Sunday 1 September 2013

Filofax / paperchase blog planner inserts

I'm always coming up with great blog post ideas. Trouble is, I don't keep track of them, I forget, so all you guys are lumbered with reading from here is this nonsense - sorry about that by the way. 

Well, the time had therefore come for me to improve things, and incorporate blog planning into my personal sized planner. I used the printables noted in a previous post as inspiration and came up with the below.

part 1: a list of the ideas, indicating when they're posted 

Part 2: a more detailed section for each idea, featuring a section to note the outline plan, a to do list, and the possible labels/keywords for the post, plus space to actual draft the post itself - why not!

And how to these badboys look in action? Quite lame at the minute as I've just made them. I will jazz them up, add colours and themes and whatnot but right now this is all I need.. I'll put pics up soon!

If you would like to download these, use them as they are, edit them or whatever, go ahead! Click here for part 1 and click here for part 2. Please leave feedback!

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