Saturday 4 January 2014

Favourites 2013 - Cosmetics / make up

I knew this was coming... I just never knew where to start, or how to rearrange once I've finished.. so I'll just blurt everything out. Maybe that'll give some indication of how much I like things! Click here to see the full post, the breakdown is under the picture.

Favourite/most used etc of 2013 ...  Make up

Primer - Benefit Porefessional. Liked it so much I purchased a second after just a couple applications, but I use it so rarely overall that I've not finished the first one! And a lot other's to try in my stash. I can't comment on wear simply because I've not been paying attention, but the fact that I've not noticed anything when I come home after a night/day out is good enough. I have noticed I generally look better with this on that without, but maybe that's because I just bust it out when I'm really making an effort. Who knows. It definitely does make pores disappear. Big visible pores are my biggest foe when wearing foundation! I'll probably start experimenting with others but I'm glad I have this on reserve. Get it. 

Foundation - Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, without a doubt. I have tried many others and even purchased Nars Sheer Glow which was a big regret. Completely the opposite to the healthy, barely there finish this foundation gives. It feels breathable, it looks breathable. Its a "my skin but better" look. Except, it gives a satiny finish (rather than the oil slick that forms after about 30 minutes in another favourite of mine, Chanel Vitalumiere) which is fine on MOST days but even I get annoyed on days when I need to get the powder out. That said, today I've had absolutely nothing on my face and not even moisturiser (I know... I know... ) and I've got a bit of a grease going on, so maybe it's just my skin. I wear it in 56 mostly and this works great for me in winter and summer in the UK, but I have it in 58 for tannier days and sometimes use a combination of both. Get this too.

Concealer - honestly I haven't really worn one at all to have a favourite, as I prefer to build the foundation up in targeted (non creased) areas. I have been trying the Collection Lasting Perfection concealer in the darkest shade, Deep 4, but it is still too light. Not a favourite... just a most used. 

Powder - this is a toss up between Bourjois Mineral Radiance in 07 hale and Nars pressed powder in Mountain

The Bourjois is a bit on the pinky side and the Nars, although better pigmented it still can make me look a bit chalky. I haven't checked any other shades out but then the Bourjois one (nothing else available for my skin tone) is a barely there finish. I've also learnt that buffing it in with a stippling brush rather than just dusting it on leaves a better finish, providing a light hand is used. I should point out that I hate powder and prefer a foundation only finish. However, sometimes it is inevitable. If I've a long day or night ahead, I will powder when I put my make up on but I'll follow with a good few sprays of...

Setting Spray - Urban Decay DeSlick.  A bit unfair to say it's my favourite setting spray because it's the only one I tried ever but it is nonetheless a favourite of the year. It takes away the cakiness left behind by a powder but still leaves the make up in place. Try it!

Bronzer - Bourjois Delice de Poudre Bronzing Powder has surpassed the previous year's favourite, Benefit Hoola. It's far more subtle and lighter in colour, which is great as I didn't tan much on my face this year and also allowed me to use it right through the year. For my lightest coverage days I use only a drop of foundation with a stippling brush and apply the bronzer to the high points of my cheeks with a duo fibre brush. I have the opposite desire to most, rather than contouring my face to make my cheeks look hollow I want my already hollow cheeks to look filled out and my cheek bones to be less out there, so where most would highlight, I bronze. I also apply it to my hairline on the forehead and sometimes to the sides of my nose. The result is airbrushed. The product does have a slight hint of sparkle. Barely there, it just makes your face look glowy and awake (as compared to Rimmel's wake me up foundation which just looks like you're at a rave, if you don't like shimmer or glitter because I don't). It smells nice - try this too! 

Blusher - Two have the right to take first place here. 

From January to September I used Marks and Spencer Blush in Peach Melba. It's a pinky peach and has a slight shimmer in it (see above). However, I was so in love with it I bought a backup and the second one seems to have a lot more visible shimmer on it. I'm not sure if it's a spray on top but I have used it and the shimmer has not gone down! 

From April to December I used Nars Blush in Gina. Completely shimmer free and perfect in the summer where it enhances the effects of bronzed cheekbones and hairline etc, this is a very deep coral shade which is great for my skin tone. In the colder months this went on with a duo fibre brush so as not to look too orangey. 

You'll note there was an overlap from April to September - I was actually using Peach Melba on the apples of my cheeks and the coral slightly more around the cheekbone and bridge of the nose, using the Real Techniques Contour Brush for precise placement. This was a killer mix but a bit too strong when it got colder! Although I still bust it out sometimes. Try them. If you're a Bourjois shade 56 this will give you a fairly natural look.

Eyeshadow etc - Rimmel Scandaleyes eye crayon in 003 Bad Girl Bronze and MAC Woodwinked which is apparently a "veluxe pearl" eyeshadow whatever that means. No way can you just have one favourite eye product!?

The Rimmel Crayon makes the 5 minute make up look appear as if you actually made some effort. It's a great brown shade for my skin tone and it would probably work wonders for anyone trying a nice bronze or smoky eye. It does have glitter in it thought. If only it didn't... I'm on the search for a a product which has this staying power (a swatch on the hand does not wash off for some time without the hep of make up remover, leaving a sort of burnt skin effect - nice. Eyelids tend to be a bit oilier though so it's not a problem, but still gives that staying power) because when you glide it on to the eyelid, you need to d any blending quick! 

Woodwinked I've had for yonks, this was a shop my stash moment for sure. It's a beautiful minky colour - great again for the bronze look. I tend to put in in the inner corner of my eye to open them up just the right amount (it seems to make your eyes look further apart, the more you extend the highlight colour in towards the eye... not something I can afford to do!) I was watching a Tanya Burr tutorial and when she blended this colour out it seemed to change tone. No idea how that happens. Its the perfect partner for the Rimmel crayon along with the next two products

Eye Liner - Again, this comes down very closely between two: Bourjois Kohl and Contour in Noir Expert and L'Oreal Paris Infallible Eye Liner in Night Day Black

The Bourjois is in a normal pencil which I've been using years, I think I lost one, got a replacement, kept in my car and this year there's another with a sharpener in the lid for home/make up bag. It glides on smoothly without tugging or creasing with minimal pressure and can easily be blended out into a smoky edge. It's great for the waterline, upper and lower. I might get it into my eyes at times because you can get real lazy about applying it carefully but it's never an issue. Sometimes when I take my contacts out, they will have a bit of residue on them but I've not found anything that doesn't. Does it smudge? Depends on whether or not you touch your eyes - but if you're having an oily or sweaty moment, or just have oily skin it will budge for sure. Others may not like but it's good enough for me. 

Where I want less budging, or more precise application I pick up the L'Oreal one, because it's a little firmer. It's still creamy and smooth but not quite as much as the Bourjois and it's in a plastic pen so you wind it up rather than sharpen down - there's no waste of the product which I love. Mine always seems to have a sharp point and a long edge, perhaps because of the way I apply or because the led is much thinner. Love them.

Mascara - I don't have a favourite. I've used quite a few interchangeably and they all have their downsides and their ups. So then I have to ask what to I reach for when I want to look/feel extra special... Lancome Hypnose Star Mascara. It comes that separated dolly eye look but it is pricey. It doesn't budge or flake, but then I have barely used it to accurately judge. I think it's waterproof and it has a beautiful tube. The brush is shape really heals to curl the lashes. It seems foolproof.  

I think the alternative that I would grab, and occasionally on the not so special occasions, is Eyeko London Tube Mascara in Curvy. Nothing to do with the underground, it's just in a squeezy tube so you can get every drop out. Again the shape of the wand it brilliant for curving the lashes - even more so than the above I think. I never use eyelash curlers, unless I can't be bothered with mascara. The eyeko ones to seem to be more difficult to remove - I prefer to have a go with the makeup remover after I've already washed my face with water. Otherwise, use a very liquid product and leave it on the eye lids for a bit to break the mascara up.

Lip Colour - Unless you have a signature lip, you won't have one favourite, surely. They come in so many different finishes, it depends on the occasion.

Hands down though my favourite is Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Gloss Stick in Nudist. It smells heavenly, it is a great pink toned nude colour for ALL SKIN TONES. There I said it. I've seen it on fair skinned beauties and I've got medium dark Indian skin and it looks like my lips but better, so if you're darker then at worst, it'll give you that one shade lighter/brighter than natural look I think. It's very sheer, and not too glossy, it looks more balmy and the colour comes out very evenly. it is so moisturising, has a balmy effect too and can soother dry lips. Even in the most dehydrated times it doesn't dry my lips out like some lip products and nor does it collect that straight white thing on them (does anyone know what I mean? Mind out of the gutter please!)  And it smells mmm mm mm like vanilla ice cream and candy floss. Sweet sweet vanilla. I also have it in Plum Jam, which I used a lot, and Fuchsia Ristic (both daring colour for me) and they really work well, so I'm intrigued to see Bashful and Raplumzel. 

An obvious favourite from the past year has been Soap and Glory Super-Colour Fabulipstick Powdercoat Matte in Blush Pink. Mouthful eh. I reach for this when I just want to look nice, whatever's going on with the rest of my makeup, this is a safe bet and gorgeous. I love that it's matte - obviously needs to go onto smooth lips but again it's not dehydrating. It smells like vanilla again, rather like vanilla and sugarpaste icing thing time. Yummy! Whatever the smell is, it takes me back to me pre infants school days. 

I'm going to pick another just because reds have never suited me, until the Rimmel Kate Moss Lasting Finish Lipstick in 107. A very seasonal shade in between berry and plum, red and purple, the fact that I actually left the house in this more than once is saying something. It doesn't thin my thin lips, it doesn't look scary - I have some trouble with smooth application but it just needs work. It seems to suit everyone, according to so many bloggers. It was a happy discovery for sure! If you thought you couldn't, just try it. 

I've looked through my beauty drawers to check if I've missed anything and I think we're all good. Other types of products do make an appearance in my make up routine, but rarely. For example, my eyebrows are quite full but sometimes they like to work from home - they're there but not quite there - and I do fill them in but I used different products each time so can't pick a favourite. Likewise, i rarely colour my nails, although I have a decent collection of colours and I had some fun around Christmas and will have some more this weekend! 

I wasn't expecting to have so much to say about each thing so this post is longer than I could have ever imagined, so I'll leave it at make up for now and more into beauty in a few days time. Until then, I hope this gives you some ideas on things to try. Share your thoughts by all means! 

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