Sunday, 17 November 2013

Reorganised filofax / paperchase planner update

Part 3 (the last part, honestly. For now)
Hello. I said I would get back on track with blogging, but I'm still unwell, so here's what I can do to organise with minimal effort. I can sort out my filofax. Which I already did right? Well, there's always room for improvement. 

The original reorganised planner v current state:

1. Personal Info -this went from lovely and motivating to big fat mess in no time - the page is just falling out! I've made a new one which you can see here. I've not printed it out yet but it shall go in the place, I promise!

2. Sticky Notes Insert- this got very messed up due to the two pages of sticky notes/tabs getting in each others way. Dear me. I put the ones on the left in the inside cover of the planner and used a long green sticky note on top to protect the proper insert.  finished the pink ones.
3. Timesheets - wellll I was supposed to reformat this because my contract changed and it didn't really fit. But I didn't. So I got fed up and ripped it out until a time comes that I do need it.
4. Timetable - not really using this. But reluctant to let it go just yet... 

5. Annual Leave pullout calendar - loving this!!! I have been using it regularly and note the little key on the left! Great! No changes needed to be honest.
6. Birthdays - nothing new to report. I don't really use it but I needed to have it there so I have it!
7. Deadlines - using this a plenty! It's colour coded depending on whether it's my deadline or my colleague's and is an excellent way to prioritise by deadline. I'm so far ahead of my tasks right now, that when planning my work for the day all that matters is what's due next. 
8. Addresses - nothing new to report here - I ment to transfer these over properly and neatly. I will I promise. 
9. Work Contacts - no changes to this, other than additions to contacts, so nothing to see here. invaluable though!
10. Planner - no changes here, except the day planner page is basically never used now because I made an electronic check list instead. Much swifter and great for auditing purposes.
11. Agenda - I took the day planner pages out, as I said. And I will be using the week planner this week because I have a bigggg case I will not be able to do ad hoc.

12. Notes - on the left is what I started with. Now it is full of mortage info, and my new york trip planning! I've seperated this with sub tabs at the top and bottom of the page.
13. Information - no change here
14. Budget - no change here really, a bit reduntant. OOPS
15. E. Skin - this has been subdivided as planned and is used - sparingly to be honest but increasingly. 
16. Exercise - I'm not going to show you the evidence of my not having done any
17. Back divider - this got dog-eared. BOO
The back section got hijacked

So something needs to improve right?
What do you think? Any ideas?

Leave any comments as you please!

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