Sunday, 17 November 2013

Winter fashion and accessories haul

I've been up to no good, but who can blame me. I went to H&M last Sunday, concious that I other than one jumper in 2012, I hadn't bought any new winter stuff since 2010. Disappointed with quality and variety, but I had to get something so I did, but then on Wednesday New Look in Birmingham was full of almost nothing but woolly goodness - and at the till they gave me a voucher for 25% off if I went back on Friday. Which I did. and re-bought some stuff for less (ssh).. And then this morning ASOS sent me a text warning of an up to 60% off flash 24 hour sale. It's a conspiracy. I caved. Here's what I got (click read more for details and prices of each item), with a few earlier purchases thrown in, and one I resisted!

Reorganised filofax / paperchase planner update

Part 3 (the last part, honestly. For now)
Hello. I said I would get back on track with blogging, but I'm still unwell, so here's what I can do to organise with minimal effort. I can sort out my filofax. Which I already did right? Well, there's always room for improvement. 

The original reorganised planner v current state:

Sunday, 3 November 2013

custom personal info page

You know that personal data page that comes with your Paperchase planner, or the important information page with your Filofax, or whatever it's called? Well they tend to get a bit dog-eared after a while. Plus, you might want to edit it a bit. So I did edit it for my personal sized planner. You can download it here, and edit to your heart's contentYou'll get one double sided page which looks like this:

Quick note of apology

With my last post being all about having a strict blogging schedule, you'd think I'd have posted something by now right? I must apologise. I'm afraid I came home early from work with nausea, ate something, bad idea... I'll leave it at that. I basically have felt so lethargic  barely able to stand or sit up straight, and unable to eat much since, but I've had a lucozade, a nutty cereal bar and even some cornflakes just so I think I'm on track.  I promise, as soon as I'm 100% better the blog will be on the top of my to do list. A shower might sneak in first though.... eesh...