Sunday 27 October 2013

Filofax / paperchase blog planner inserts: part 3

Oh, hello!

Yes, it's me again, two days in a row - can you believe it? In all seriousness, I've been just awful lately with posting to my blog. I'm at a crossroads in my personal life* and add to that the darkening for the skies for Autumn (yeah right, it feels like winter already) and add to that the fact that I've had so many ideas swooshing around in my head I don't know where to start!

Well, let's put an end to that, for one and all, for once and forever!**

I've created a third part to the blog planner inserts - a simple weekly/monthly schedule. Have at it:

You can chop and change it up, print it onto the back of another page, print a couple copies. If you have a concrete schedule, you can print it, or you could eve laminate it and have it as a working document in your filofax/paperchase planner. 

Download it here!!

It could of course do with some styling up but here's the foundation. Leave your comments below!

*Honestly, I'm just not 'happy' 'content' with ANYTHING right now - but I'm good at my job and ridiculously up to date, so that's something. But everything else is a mess. Oh actually, I like my current everyday make up look - I'll post that soon :)

**(We'll see if I have the discipline to stick to this even now)

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